[Physics] White, is it a colour or absence of colours


Our chemistry sir and we had an argument today at the lab, he says that white actually is not a colour, it is the abscence of colour, but we say that it is a colour and we gave the following point to substanciate our point that white is a colour:
When we see an object in red colour, it actually reflects red colour and absorbs all the other colours, in this point of view, a white object reflects all colours which fall on it, so it is a colour.
We do not know who is correct, I am posting this question in hope that I will get the correct answer.

Best Answer

The explanation you give is correct. A white body reflects all wavelengths. We call it white when all colors (all wavelengths) are reflected from an object and hit our eye. Black is the opposite.

I would say that white is all colors, as you do. But maybe he sees it from the perspective that since all is reflected and nothing is absorbed, there is "no light" left. I mean, it depends on what he means by "no light". It could be a matter of definition of the words, so maybe you actually agree on what happens but call it differently.

Nevertheless, your explanation is correct.

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