Visible Light – Which Phenomena Are Responsible for Rainbows?


Which of the following phenomena of light are responsible for the formation of a rainbow?

1) reflection, refraction, dispersion
2) refraction, dispersion, total internal reflection
3) refraction, dispersion, internal reflection
4) dispersion, scattering, total internal reflection

I know the answer’s got to be 2) or 3). My book says 3) but does not give an explanation.

My confusion lies here: What is the difference between internal reflection and total internal reflection?

Best Answer

The word "total" makes the difference. Depending on the angle of incidence the reflection is either total or partial.

Quoted from Encyclopedia Britannica - Total internal reflection (emphasis added by me):

Total internal reflection, in physics, complete reflection of a ray of light within a medium such as water or glass from the surrounding surfaces back into the medium. The phenomenon occurs if the angle of incidence is greater than a certain limiting angle, called the critical angle.
At all angles less than the critical angle, both refraction and reflection occur in varying proportions.

Applying this to the rainbow:

According to Wikipedia - Rainbow - Mathematical derivation the angle of incidence inside the rain drop ($\beta$ in the image below) is $\beta_\text{max}\approx 40.2°$.
rain drop optics
According to Wikipedia - Total internal reflection the critical angle for light from water to air is $\theta_c=49°$.

So you have $\beta_\text{max} < \theta_c$, and therefore you have partial reflection. This makes 3) the correct answer.