[Physics] Which material has the lowest Young’s modulus

elasticitysolid mechanicssolid-state-physics

I guess some foams or elastomers would be the candidates. We are looking for materials with Young's modulus lower than 1 kPa. I also wonder how small it can be theoretically?

Best Answer

Hydrogels can have a Young's modulus as low as 5-10kPa easily (see for example gels of 1-2 percent agarose or alginate). You can probably get close to 1 kPa or less by lowering the percentage of agarose or alginate, but the gel may be prone to tearing and difficult to handle. You would probably need to experiment as these hydrogels are often used in biomedical applications, in which a minimum of physical integrity is required. Therefore, people usually use gels with larger Young's modulus than 1 kPa.