[Physics] Which is the axis of rotation

reference framesrigid-body-dynamicsrotational-dynamicstorque

This should be simple, but it keeps bothering me. If a rigid body has no fixed axis, and a torque (defined relative to a point $A$) is applied, it will rotate around $A$. But often I can also calculate the torque relative to another point $B$ (which often seems to be non-zero too). So does this mean that the rigid body will have an angular acceleration about both axises? This seems a bit strange to me.

(For a fixed axis I assume that a rotation around any axis (other than the fixed axis) is impossible, because there will always be zero torque around those axes.)

Best Answer

Given a rigid body, a basic result in mechanics is that there exists a family of time-dependent rotations $R(t)$ such that for a given a fixed point $\vec x_0(t)$ in the body and for each point $\vec x_\alpha(t)$ in the body, one has $$ \vec x_\alpha(t) = \vec x_0(t) + R(t)(\vec x_\alpha(0) - \vec x_0(0)) $$ In words, this equation says that the motion of a rigid body can be described by a translation of any chosen fixed point, plus a rotation about that point. For each time $t$, the axis of rotation of $R(t)$ defines the axis of rotation of the rigid body. Notice that this rotation does not depend on the reference point fixed in the body that we choose. We could pick either the center of mass, or any other point in the body, but the description will remain the same. So, as far as I can tell, the question of "which point the body is rotating about" does not have a unique answer; the answer depends on how you choose to describe its motion, namely which fixed point $\vec x_0(t)$ you have chosen.


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