Newtonian Mechanics – Determining Forces on a Table with Four Legs and a Randomly Placed Object


I have a question about basic statics but somehow I cannot manage to find the answer on my own (btw, this is not a homework. It's been so many years since school for me…).

The problem is very simple: we have an object with weight $D$ at a given location on table wit with four legs ($F_1$ to $F_4$). What is the force applied on each leg? (for simplicity, I'm just using the same labels $F$ and $D$ for both the location and the force)

object on a table

$W$, $H$, $x$, $y$ and $D$ are given. To find the forces on each leg, as far as I remember, I have to consider two general equations:
$\sum F=0$ and $\sum M=0$. So I have:

F_1 + F_2 + F_3 + F_4 – D = 0

Also, considering the moments round the point $F_1$:

W(F_2+F_3) – xD = 0
H(F_3+F_4) – yD = 0

But this just give me 3 equations! I missing one more equation and cannot figure it out.

Best Answer

As you have noticed yourself, your system is simply underdetermined. In order to find a unique solution you need to add some extra constraints in addition to Newton's equations. Imagine a table with more than four legs: the more legs you add, the more unknown forces you have. But the number of equations does not change. If we instead remove a leg we find a unique static solution.

See also the Wikipedia page about statically indeterminate systems.