[Physics] Where does electricity go from a solar panel that is not plugged in to anything

electric-circuitsrenewable energysolar-cells

I found a similar question here on this site, but my question is slightly different. If a solar panel is exposed to sunlight but is not plugged in to anything–dc load, inverter, etc–where does that electricity go? In this example, I'm assuming the solar exposure is still freeing electrons, but where do they go?

Best Answer

where does that electricity go?

The photons from the sun have energy and momentum, but not "electricity".

Essentially, a photon (solar or otherwise) striking the solar panel can create an electron-hole pair (EHP) and, if the EHP is within or near the depletion zone, the pair will be separated by the built-in electric field.

This results in a separation of charge and with that, a voltage across the panel. If there is an external circuit connected, there will be an electric current through the circuit.

enter image description here

But, if there is no external circuit through which an electric current can circulate, the electric field due to the separated charge opposes further separation of charge; the generated electron-hole pairs simply recombine rather than separate.

Electric power is the product of voltage and current. If there is no external circuit, there can be no current and thus no electric power can be delivered by the panel, i.e., the "electricity" is never developed and thus, there is no need to consider "where it goes".

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