Thermodynamics – Source of Additional Heat Energy in Isothermal Step of Carnot Cycle


According to widipedia:

During step 1 (isothermal heat addition or absorption) the gas is
allowed to expand and it does work on the surroundings. The
temperature of the gas does not change during the process, and thus
the expansion is isothermal. The gas expansion is propelled by
absorption of heat energy Q1.

The gas temperature is the same as the temperature of the reservoir.
But where may heat energy Q1 come from as there is no temperature gradient between gas and reservoir?

Best Answer

The gas temperature is the same as the temperature of the reservoir

This is exactly why there is energy exchange.

You should think in small steps: The volume is expanding, but the change occurs slowly enough to allow the system to continually adjust to the temperature of the reservoir through heat exchange.

See Isothermal process for more details.

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