Cosmic Microwave Background – How did the CMB originate? Matter/Antimatter Annihilation and Electron Decoupling Explained


Where did the CMB originate from? I get that at the beginning of the universe, by the Big Bang theory temperatures and pressures were too high for matter to exist, and even if it did, it would just get annihilated from its antimatter equivalent, thereby releasing electromagnetic radiation (EMR).

However, is this the origin of the CMB? From what I know, before the whole nucleosynthesis and decoupling event, the photons would constantly get scattered and hence the universe was opaque. However, after the temperatures cooled such that neutral atoms could exist, the EMR could propagate out and not get scattered.

However, I read somewhere that it was actually the decoupling event itself which was what originated the CMB. Much like flame tests, or by Bohr's second postulate, when electrons relax into the ground state or just lower energy states, EMR is released. Hence, would the relaxation of these electrons be the source of the CMB?

Best Answer

Once recombination occurred, the black-body radiation, which was in thermal equilibrium with matter (hydrogen plasma), became decoupled from it and was free to propagate. The temperature at which this occurred was about 3000 degrees kelvin.

This means that the CMB is composed of the radiation which existed right before the decoupling i.e., what was flying around inside the 3000 K hydrogen plasma right before the plasma cooled down enough to be quenched.

(Cosmic expansion then stretched out the radiation so much that its spectrum now corresponds to a very cold 2.7 degrees kelvin.)