[Physics] When we get an electrical shock, the ciruit is incomplete but still the current flows, why


If we touch the live wire and ground at the same time, we will get a shock. But the current goes from live to ground and not to neutral i.e, circuit is open. Then how can we get a shock?


This is the same circuit: will the current flow?

I think current should not flow. So, what is the reason that we still get shocks when the circuit is open?

Best Answer

Copying from the electronics.SE

Since in properly constructed power network the neutral wire is maintained at a potential level close to ground potential, there is nearly no voltage between the neutral and the ground. Hence, touching neutral will not cause current to flow through human body into ground.

So by construction there is very little potential between the ground and the neutral. When a human touches the live wire he closes the circuit with the ground instead of the neutral because there is by construction so little difference between neutral and live.