[Physics] When I connect in series two floating capacitors, one charged and the other not charged, does current flow


Suppose I energize one capacitor by connecting it across a battery, allowing it to achieve some potential difference V_0 across its plates, then disconnect it and allow both of its leads to float in air. Next I take a second identical capacitor, whose leads have recently been shorted together, and connect one of its leads to one of the leads of the first capacitor. If the charges on the plates of the first capacitor were +Q and -Q before connecting the two capacitors (and of course 0 on both plates of the second capacitor), how do the charges distribute themselves among the four plates of the two connected capacitors?

I have attempted to answer this for myself using the method of contributor Manisheath at the post How does instant charging of one plate affect the potential of the other plate of a floating capacitor?. What I get, with the charged capacitor on the left and the charge of $+Q$ on the leftmost plate of the left capacitor, is

0|+Q -Q|0 —————————————– 0|0 0|0

where the "——–" line represents the wire connecting the two capacitors.

In other words, no charge will flow. Is this correct? To me, this seems counter-intuitive, since on energetic grounds, I would expect stored energy to 'want' to spread out to a condition of lowest energy density per unit volume, mass, moles, whatever (without violating conservation of energy, of course). Recall, the energy stored in one capacitor is

$E = \frac{1}{2}CV^2=\frac{1}{2}QV $ , since $Q = CV.$

Best Answer

Your guess is correct -- no current flows. If you want to be more accurate, you could say "negligible current flows". There will be a tiny bit of current thanks to stray capacitance.

Stray capacitance means that there is an imaginary capacitor between any two objects in the same room. So you can imagine a capacitor connecting the allegedly-open leads. If you draw the circuit now, you'll see that charge can flow from one capacitor to the other after all. But stray capacitance tends to be very small, so you can calculate that only a tiny tiny amount of charge will transfer between two capacitors. This depends on the situation I guess...if the "open" leads are both very very close to each other or to a common ground plane, the stray capacitance might not be that small, so maybe a measureable amount of charge will transfer to the uncharged capacitor. If the open leads are sitting in the air a few meters apart, the stray capacitance will definitely be very small and a totally negligible amount of charge will transfer.

You have a healthy intuition about matter rearranging itself to lower the energy density. Unfortunately the charge has a restricted range of motion...it can't pass through the capacitor dielectrics, nor through the air. Therefore it is impossible to for the charge to rearrange itself in order to half-charge each capacitor.

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