[Physics] When driving uphill why can’t I reach a velocity that I would have been able to maintain if I started with it


Consider these two situations when driving on a long straight road uphill:

  1. Starting at a high velocity $v_h$, which the car is able to maintain.
  2. Starting at a lower velocity $v_l$, and then trying to reach $v_h$ while driving uphill.

In my experience I've noticed that in case 2 it is very hard, and sometimes impossible, to reach the velocity $v_h$, even though if the car had started in that velocity it would have been able to maintain it. This observation was confirmed by another person I know.

If we do a simple analysis of the problem assuming the engine outputs some fixed power $P$, it seems that there should be no problem reaching $v_h$.

Is there something in the inner workings of the car (like the transmission or fuel injection for example) that would make it harder than expected to accelerate uphill?

For simplicity let's assume the car is always in the same gear.

Best Answer

Short, short version: It's complicated.

Slightly longer version:

Internal combustion engines have at least two relevant performance characteristics: power and torque. Furthermore the maximum attainable values for both are functions of the current engine speed (RPM).

Acceleration will cease if the current requirement for either power or torque equal the engine's maximum value at the current speed.

Both the power and torque curves (as a function of RPM) start low, rise steadily and eventually turn over and drop off. The requirements for power and torque are both monotonically increasing, which means that there must be a speed where the power requirements curve crosses the power curve. At that speed acceleration drops to zero.

Likewise, there must be a place where the torque requirement crosses the available torque and again, you can't accelerate further from there.

These two crosses can come at different engine speeds.

The result is that you can may be able to maintain a speed that you can not accelerate up to.

Full version:

The full answer to your question would require knowing the relevant curves for your engine as well as the gross vehicular weight, the current effective gear ratio between the engine and the road, the slope of the road, the effective rolling friction and the car's drag coefficient. Which is why I'm not going to try to do the full version.

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