[Physics] Wheel moving without sliding


Suppose we have a wheel moving on an horizontal surface, with constant velocity $v$, without sliding. This latter condition implies that the wheel rotates around its centre with angular speed $\omega = v / r$, $r$ being the radius. The rotation of the wheel is caused by the torque of the (static) friction force in the contact point between the wheel and the surface. Because static friction only exists when an opposing force is applied on the object, this means that in order to maintain a constant velocity, an external force must exist. My question is, what happens when this force is no longer applied? I imagine that the wheel will slow down until it stops, but from the equations of kinetic energy, I do not see how to deduce this behaviour. The potential energy is constant because we move horizontally, and the kinetic energy is: $E_k = E_{k_r} + E_{k_t} = \frac{1}{2}I\omega^2 + \frac{1}{2}mv^2$ which equals the total mechanical energy. If the external force stops, then both $v$ and $\omega$ decrease, but why? After all, the mechanical work of the friction force is zero, so why does the wheel slow down?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

The problem with your argument lies with this:

The rotation of the wheel is caused by the torque of the (static) friction force in the contact point between the wheel and the surface.

That isn't quite correct. When the wheel is spinning up, then yes, static friction is what accelerates it, but once it is rotating, no torque is required to keep the rotation going. So once the wheel is moving at some constant velocity, there is no static friction, and in fact no external force at all, thus there are no changes in energy.

In reality, every wheel has some amount of dissipative force acting on it, usually due to deformation. The collective effect of the dissipative forces acting on a rolling wheel is sometimes called "rolling friction," and it acts on the wheel in much the same way as normal friction: it removes energy. Given the constraint that $v = \omega r$, the energy of a wheel is equal to

$$E = \frac{1}{2}(I + mr^2)\omega^2 = \frac{1}{2}\biggl(\frac{I}{r^2} + m\biggr)v^2$$

so when energy is removed, both the angular and linear speeds will decrease. This is what causes the wheel to slow down and eventually stop. Note that in this case, there will be some nonzero amount of static friction as required to prevent slipping.