[Physics] What’s the idea behind the Riemann curvature tensor


The Riemann curvature tensor can be expressed using the Christoffel symbols like this:

$R^m{}_{jkl} = \partial_k\Gamma^m{}_{lj}
– \partial_l\Gamma^m{}_{kj}
+ \Gamma^m{}_{ki}\Gamma^i{}_{lj}
– \Gamma^m{}_{li}\Gamma^i{}_{kj}$

How did they come up with this? What was the idea?

I searched the web but the descriptions I found were too formal, and I was unable to decipher what the author tries to describe.

So I'm looking for some thoughts or an easy paper I can start from and derive this formula myself.

Best Answer

The idea is that we want to define some notion of curvature for a manifold that intuitively agrees with the intuition we have about curvature.

The genius insight that leads to the desired definition is the notion of parallel transport. Speaking non-rigorously here, the basic idea is that if you transport a tangent vector on a manifold parallel to itself all the way around a closed curve, then the vector will come back to itself in flat spaces, but it will become a different vector in a curved space.

To see why the notion of parallel transport has anything to do with curvature, think for example, of the Euclidean plane $\mathbb R^2$ versus the two-dimensional sphere $S^2$.

Consider the curve consisting of an equilateral triangle with one vertex at the origin. Now imagine placing a vector emanating from the origin, and imagine moving that vector along the triangle, keeping its "tail" on the triangle, and making sure to keep the vector parallel to itself the whole time. If you transport the vector once around the triangle back to the origin in this way, then you get the same vector back.

Something drastically different happens if you do the same thing on the sphere as the following diagram from the wiki page on parallel transport indicates

enter image description here

If you move a vector from point A back to itself along the curve indicated in the diagram, the vector does not return to itself. This happens because the sphere is curved.

In fact, the notion of parallel transport can be used to completely characterize what we mean by curvature. The logic you'll find in many books on GR and differential geometry is roughly as follows:

  1. Define the notion of a connection (basically this defines what you mean by taking derivatives on the manifold).

  2. Use the connection to define the notion of parallel transport which agrees with our intuition of parallel transport in, for example, the sphere example above.

  3. Show that there is a tensor that measures precisely how much the components of a vector change when it is parallel transported along a small closed curve on the manifold.

  4. Call this tensor the Riemann tensor, and use it as the object that captures the notion of curvature.

There is a great discussion of this in a lot of books. I personally like the discussion on pages 36-38 of Wald's General Relativity.

Addendum. Wald actually shows that if you consider a curve bounding a small two-dimensional patch parameterized by coordinates $s$ and $t$ on the given manifold, then the change $\delta v^a$ in the components of a vector transported along the boundary of this patch satisfies \begin{align} \delta v^a = \delta t\,\delta s\, v^dT^cS^bR_{cbd}^{\phantom{cbd}a} \end{align} where $\delta t\,\delta s$ is the area of the patch, and $T^c$ and $S^b$ are the tangents to the curves of constant $s$ and $t$ respectively.