[Physics] What’s the difference between work in thermodynamics and mechanics


What is the difference between work in thermodynamics and work in mechanics?

Best Answer

Actually I think I disagree with the answer by BMS (the group of asymptotic symmetries of asymptotically flat spacetimes?). However I am not sure to have understood BMS'answer completely.

In my opinion, there is no difference between the definition of work in pure mechanics and work in thermodynamics (I stress that I am speaking of thermodynamics and not statistical mechanics). In both cases it is computed by the integral of ${\bf F} \cdot {\bf ds}$, taking all forces acting on the system into account. In the pure mechanical case the theorem of energy conservation says that $$W = \Delta U + \Delta K\:.\qquad (1)$$ $W$ is the work done on the system by external systems, $K$ its kinetic energy and $U$ the total potential energy of internal forces. When considering situations where the work $W'$ of the system on the external systems coincides, up to the sign, to the work $W$ done by the external system on the system (and this is not the case discussed by BMS) we can also say that: $$\Delta U + \Delta K + W' =0\:. \qquad (2)$$ In real physical systems, one has to consider the fact that a system receives energy also in terms of heat, $Q$: that is energy that cannot be described in terms of macroscopic work. In this case (1) has to be improved as $$W + Q = \Delta U + \Delta K\:.\qquad (3)\:.$$ Actually, also the definition of $U$ has to be improved in (3), since it has to encompass the thermodynamic internal energy in addition to all types of macroscopic potential energies.

Referring to standard system of thermodynamics (thermal machines), where $\Delta K$ is negligible and the work done by the external system is identical up to the sign to that done by the system, (3) simplifies to $$\Delta U = Q -W'\:,$$ that is the standard statement of the first principle of thermodynamics for elementary systems. However the general form is (3).

It is worth stressing that this picture needs a sharp distinction between macroscopic description (essentially done in terms of continuous body mechanics) and microscopic description, completely disregarded but embodied in the notions of heat and internal (thermodynamic) energy. If, instead one considers also the microscopic (molecular) structure of the physical systems, the distinction between work and heat is more difficult to understand since both are represented in terms of forces. Nevertheless exploiting the statistical approach to Hamiltonian mechanics the said distinction arises quite naturally.

Focusing on the system given by a rigid block discussed by BMS, the absolute value of the work $W$ done by the friction force acting to the block due to the ground (that eventually stops the block), is different from the absolute value of the work $W'$ done by the block on the ground. The former amounts to $W= -K$ the latter, instead, is $W' = 0$. The energy equation for the block is:

$$W + Q = \Delta U + \Delta K\:.$$

$Q$ is the non-mechanical energy entering the block during the process, responsible for the increase of its temperature. Since $W= -K$ one can simplify that equation to

$$Q= \Delta U\:.$$

The equation for the ground (for instance a table) is instead simply:

$$Q' = \Delta U'$$

Now $Q' \neq -Q$ and $W'=0 \neq -W$. The fact that $Q+Q' \neq 0$ it is important because it says that there is a heat source between the contact surfaces of the two bodies, and the total heat is not conserved (as conversely was supposed in the original theory of heat, the "flogisto" represented as a fluid verifying a conservation equation).

If referring to the overall system made of the block and the table, since no energy enters it, the equation is

$$\Delta U + \Delta U' + \Delta K =0\:.$$

That is

$$\Delta U + \Delta U' = -\Delta K >0\:.$$

It says that all the initial kinetic energy is finally transformed into internal energy producing the increase of temperature of both the block and the table.

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