[Physics] What’s keeping us from simply redefining Avogadro’s Number / the Mole as a definite integer

metrologyphysical constantssi-units

This might be a question to ask in a Chemistry site, but because there is a lot of talk about redefining many units of measurements in terms of Avogadro's Number / the Mole, I was wondering why we don't just redefine the Mole to infinite precision, since it is basically inherently an integer.

This might be the only unit/physical constant that can be defined to infinite precision. The only unit that is an "integer".

I guess it's not really a physical constant, per se, in that it is not a property of nature. But then we can easily create a definition of the Kilogram that doesn't change over time as exactly something-something moles worth of Carbon-12.

Best Answer

There was a proposal in 2006 trying to define NA as an exact number[1,2]: $$ N_A^* = 84\;446\;888^3 = 6.022\;141\;410\;704\;090\;840\;990\;72 \times 10^{23} $$ the problem? This value is incorrect, as the currently most accurate result is[3] $$ N_A = 6.022\;140\;84(18) \times 10^{23} $$ i.e. $N_A^*$ is now 3 s.d. away from $N_A$. As I have commented, if we randomly pick a number within the current error bound and call it $N_A$, we risk the problem that a better experiment for the old definition will invalidate the proposed value. To be safe about the validity of that number, you need to produce an equally accurate experiment to show that it is actually valid (like the 299792458 m/s in the definition of meter, and 9192631770 Hz in the definition of second.)

Also, the rationale for redefinition of SI base unit always involve that the current one isn't accurate enough or hard to realize:

  • second (1967):

    • the definition ... is inadequate for the present needs of metrology
  • meter (1960):

    • the international Prototype does not define the metre with an accuracy adequate for the present needs of metrology,
    • it is moreover desirable to adopt a natural and indestructible standard,
  • meter (1983):

    • the present definition does not allow a sufficiently precise realization of the metre for all requirements
  • candela (1979):

    • the time has come to give the candela a definition that will allow an improvement in both the ease of realization and the precision of photometric standards, ...

Do the current experiments which reduces to NA = 12 gram of carbon-12 atoms not accurate enough or hard to realize? I don't think so; 9 significant figures are already very accurate. However, the redefinition of mole would be put on board on 2011 (24th CGPM). One proposal is to define[4] $$ N_A \overset{\underset{\mathrm{def}}{}}{=} 6.022\;141\;5 \times 10^{23} \mathrm{mol}^{-1}, $$ to decouple kilogram from the definition of mole. So if this path is taken, the only thing that keep us from defining it as a definite number to 10 significant figures is because "the conference haven't started yet".

But infinite precision? That would be a long way before we can reach and need that.


  1. Ronald Fox and Theodore Hill, A Proposed Exact Integer Value for Avogadro's Number. http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0612087
  2. Ronald Fox and Theodore Hill, An Exact Value for Avogadro's Number. http://www.americanscientist.org/issues/pub/2007/2/an-exact-value-for-avogadros-number/3
  3. B. Andreas, Y. Azuma, G. Bartl, et. al., An accurate determination of the Avogadro constant by counting the atoms in a 28Si crystal http://arxiv.org/abs/1010.2317
  4. Ian M Mills, Peter J Mohr, Terry J Quinn, et. al., Redefinition of the kilogram, ampere, kelvin and mole: a proposed approach to implementing CIPM recommendation 1 (CI-2005). http://iopscience.iop.org/0026-1394/43/3/006