[Physics] What’s a good book on experimental methods for physics


I have read many books which can guide one in becoming a better theoretician but I haven't come across many books that help one become a better experimental physicist. For some reason the history of science favours the theoreticians and while I admire Lev Landau, Henri Poincaré and Albert Einstein, I would also like to become a better experimentalist.

In this context, I would like to know whether there are books(autobiographies even) which can guide one in becoming a good experimentalist.

Best Answer

There is a very good book on experimental methods of physics in German by Friedrich Kohlrausch with the title "Praktische Physik"(i.e. "Practical Physics"). I used this impressive compilation during my studies and later in research. Its first edition appeared more than 100 years ago. Its modern 24th edition has three sizable volumes covering all fields of experimental physics.

It seems that there also exist English editions of this book with the title "An Introduction to Physical Measurements", vol. 1; vol. 2; vol.3. It is not clear whether all three volumes are still available. "https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=Kohlrausch+Physics

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