[Physics] What would result in a transformer that has its secondary wires disconnected from any circuit


I am studying magnetism and I am curious as to what happens in a transformer that has its secondary output wires connected through a circuit versus one that doesn't.

My main questions (in the case of the unconnected secondary) are:

Is there more or less resistance on the primary?

Are there equations that describe the heat losses (of the primary and secondary) in this scenario?

Best Answer

Here is from wikipedia a schematic of a transformer:


If V_S is open no current will flow through the secondary circuit. The primary circuit will have the current appropriate to the resistance and impedance of the simple, now, circuit.

This happens all the time when we have a transformer just sitting there, without anything plugged in at the secondary circuit. The transformer draws energy and gets heated up anyway. That is why we are instructed to disconnect unused electrical appliances, and not just switch them off.

Note: the ratios in the schema should be inverted to avoid spurious infinities due to the zero current in V_s

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