[Physics] What would happen to an unprotected human body on the surface of Venus


In the tremendous heat and pressure on the surface of Venus what would happen to an exposed human body?

Would it burn up, dissolve, mummify or something else? Presumably the water and fats would boil away. What would become of proteins and bone?

Best Answer

The effect of the pressure is insignificant compared to the effect of the temperature. 90atm pressure could be even survivable for a short time (in an argon atmosphere with 0.2atm partial pressure of oxygen).

400C temperature causes mortal burning wounds within seconds (if the whole body is affected). Some seconds later the person is unconscious because of the overheating of the brain. Death occurs within a minute.

The Venusian atmosphere is mainly CO2 (with a little nitrogen), thus oxidizing reactions won't happen with the body. Also any rotting process is prevented.

Mummification could happen - Venus is as dry as the Sahara. But proteins can't survive in this temperature for very long.

The result would be a dry, charred, carbonized body, with nearly intact bones in it (CaCO3 is still stable at this temperature).

If there is very little O2 in the Venusian surface (its high atmosphere has relatively more), then it would slowly oxidize the remains. In this case, the result will be a skeleton.