Klein-Gordon Equation – What Would Change if a Linear Term is Added in the Lagrangian?


The usual Klein-Gordon Lagrangian reads

\begin{equation} \mathscr{L}= \frac{1}{2}( \partial _{\mu} \Phi \partial ^{\mu} \Phi -m^2 \Phi^2) \, . \tag1\end{equation}

Without additional symmetry beyond Lorentz symmetry, nothing forbids an additional linear term:

\begin{equation} \mathscr{L}= \frac{1}{2}( \partial _{\mu} \Phi \partial ^{\mu} \Phi -m^2 \Phi^2) – C \Phi \, , \tag2\end{equation}
where $C$ is some constant.

This modified Lagrangian leads to a modified Klein-Gordon equation

$$( \partial _{\mu} \partial ^{\mu}+m^2)\Phi =C \, .\tag3$$

What would be the interpretation of this modified Klein-Gordon equation? Why do we usually neglect the linear term and hence the possible constant in the Klein-Gordon equation?

Best Answer

Hint 1. What happens if you take the vacuum expectation value of equation $(3)$? You should find $\langle\Phi\rangle\neq 0$. Why is this a bad thing?

Hint 2. (pretty much the same thing as Hint 1 actually) What happens under the field redefinition $\Phi\to\Phi+C/m^2$?