[Physics] What would be the capacitance of an unequal charged capacitor


I searched for this question but I cannot get satisfactory answer. Say if we have a parallel plate or cylindrical capacitor and if I supply unequal charge to it how could I find its Capacitance. We know $Q=CV$. I have the potential difference (i can calculate that). So what should I take the value of Q to find its capacitance?

Best Answer

Remember that the word "capacitance" is just that, a word. The standard definition of capacitance given in introductory textbooks only applies when the two objects have charges $Q$ and $-Q$, in which case we define $$C = \frac{Q}{V}$$ where $V$ is the potential difference between the objects. There is no inherently "correct" way to generalize this definition to unequal charges; there are just more and less useful ways. Furthermore, you never need the idea of capacitance. You can just solve for everything directly using Coulomb's and Gauss's laws. Capacitance is merely a definition, not a law.

That said, there can certainly be bad definitions. When you have unequal charges $Q_1$ and $Q_2$, it seems many people in this thread and others would like to define capacitance so that it stays the same as before, which they claim happens if you define $C = |Q_1 - Q_2| / 2 V$. However, this claim is wrong. As a simple example, consider two distant spheres of different radii $r_i$. Their pairwise capacitance is certainly nonzero, but if you give the spheres the same charge, $Q_1 = Q_2 = Q$, then $V_1 \approx k Q_1 / r_1$ and $V_2 \approx k Q_2 / r_2$. As a result, their claimed definition of capacitance yields zero!

The problem is that you can't summarize the response of two conductors to general charges with a single number; instead, you need three, which are roughly the original pairwise capacitance and the self-capacitances of each one alone. Only by using all three of these quantities can you compute the voltages. Similarly, for $n$ conductors you need to specify $\binom{n}{2} + n$ numbers.

In electrical engineering courses, this information is summarized in an elegant way. To motivate it, suppose you had $n$ conductors, which had charges $Q_i$. The charge on any one conductor affects the potentials and charge distributions on all of the other conductors in a complicated way. However, the equations governing the system are still linear, which means the superposition principle works. In particular, that means the potentials $V_i$ of the conductors in the general case can be found by adding together the potentials you get by only charging the first conductor, and then only charging the second conductor, and so on, assuming the potential is set to zero at infinity.

Therefore, the $Q_i$ and $V_i$ are always related by a linear transformation, and we define $$Q_i = \sum_j C_{ij} V_j.$$ The matrix of $C_{ij}$ is called the Maxwell capacitance matrix. For example, in the special case where there are only two conductors with opposite charges, you can show that the "usual" simple definition of pairwise capacitance is related to these coefficients by $$C = \frac{C_{11} C_{22} - C_{12}^2}{C_{11} + C_{22} + 2 C_{12}}.$$ Furthermore, it can be shown that $C_{ij} = C_{ji}$, and that the usual self-capacitances are the $C_{ii}$. For more about this, see section 3.6 of Purcell and Morin, Electricity and Magnetism.

Once again, you never need this idea to solve problems, because it is derived from more basic things, such as Gauss's law. But it's the most useful way to parametrize things in certain contexts.