Quantum Mechanics – Stopping a Subatomic Particle: Possibilities and Challenges

heisenberg-uncertainty-principlequantum mechanicssubatomic

Suppose that completely stopping a subatomic particle, such as an electron, could happen under certain conditions. What would be likely ways to get an electron to be perfectly still, or even just stop rotating the nucleus and collapse into it by electromagnetic forces? What would likely be required, below absolute-zero temperatures? Negative energy? Or could a 0 energy rest state not exist in any form, of any possible universe imaginable?

Let's say there was a magnetic field of a certain shape that we could postulate that is so intensely strong that if we put an electron in the center of it, it could not move at all in any direction. Would the energy requirement of the field be infinite? What would be the particle's recourse under this condition?

Further, suppose it were possible and one could trap an electron and stop all motion completely. What would this do to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and/or Quantum Mechanics, because its position and momentum (0) would both be known? If it can be done, is Quantum Mechanics no longer an accurate model of reality under these conditions? Could we say QM is an accurate model under most conditions, except where it is possible to measure both position and momentum of a particle with zero uncertainty?


Please assume, confined in a thought experiment, that it IS possible to stop a particle so that is has 0 fixed energy. This may mean Quantum Mechanics is false, and it may also mean that under certain conditions the uncertainty commutation is 0. ASSUMING that it could physically be done, what would be likely to do it, and what would be the implications on the rest of physics?

Bonus Points

Now here's the step I'm really after – can anyone tell me why a model in which particles can be stopped is so obviously not the reality we live in? Consider the 'corrected' model is QM everywhere else (so all it's predictions hold in the 'normal' regions of the universe), but particles can be COMPLETELY stopped {{inside black holes, between supermagnetic fields, or insert other extremely difficult/rare conditions here}}. How do we know it's the case that because the uncertainty principle has lived up to testing on earth-accessable conditions, that it holds up under ALL conditions, everywhere, for all times?

Best Answer

This is just a misunderstanding--- "no motion" in quantum mechanics is a different concept than "no motion" in classical mechanics. At zero temperature, nothing stops. Spherical uncharged black holes don't stop particles at the singularity, they absorb particles and time just ends at the singularity for the infalling matter. The wavefunctions are not made to stop.

You can stop an electron by putting it in the ground state of Hydrogen. This is what it means to be stopped in quantum mechanics.

The reason one can be sure that the uncertainty principle applies to more than what we have seen is that it is impossible to make part of the world classical and part quantum mechanical, as understood by Bohr and Rosenfeld in the early days of quantum mechanics. The fact that the electron has an uncertainty principle means that there would be a contradiction if something else did not, because this would allow you to violate the uncertainty principle for electrons by interacting them with this new thing.

If the world is classical underneath, the classical variables will have very little relation to the position and momentum of classical point particles. This question is annoying, and it does not deserve any more attention than what it has gotten.

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