Newtonian Mechanics – How a Ball Behaves on a Frictionless Inclined Plane


I was wondering about this question since I learned about rolling motion in the chapter on rotational mechanics. I was unable to come to a solid conclusion due to the reasons mentioned below.

The following diagram shows a ball on a frictionless inclined plane and the forces acting on it:

enter image description here

The forces acting on the ball are shown in red and are the normal contact force $N$ and the gravitational force of attraction $mg$. I qualitatively determined the torque of these forces about two axes – one passing through the centre of mass of the ball of uniform density, and the other passing through the point of contact of the ball and the inclined plane. Both of these axes are perpendicular to the screen.

When the axis passes through the centre of the ball, the torque exerted by $mg$ is zero as its line of action meets the axis. Further, the torque exerted by $N$ is also zero due to the same reason. There are no other forces. So, net torque about this axis is zero, and this tempts us to conclude the ball slides down the inclined plane.

When the axis passes through the point of contact, the torque exerted by $N$ is zero but the torque exerted by $mg$ is non-zero. This means the ball must roll i.e., it rotates while moving down the inclined plane. This conclusion is contradictory to the former case.

So, what exactly will happen to a ball kept on a frictionless inclined plane – will it slide or roll?

The following diagram is a visual interpretation of my question (if the terms slide and roll confuses the reader) where the red arrow denotes the orientation of the ball:

enter image description here

Image Courtesy: My own work 🙂

Please Note: The question – Ball Rolling Down An Inclined Plane – Where does the torque come from? discusses the case of ball rolling on an inclined plane where friction is present. Since the question – Rolling in smooth inclined plane is marked as duplicate of the former, and has no sufficient details, I planned to ask a new question with additional information.

Best Answer

...the torque exerted by $N$ is zero but the torque exerted by $mg$ is non-zero. This means the ball must roll...

Actually, it means that the angular momentum about that axis must increase. That is not the same as rolling. If the axis is through the center of mass of the object then the only way for the angular momentum to increase is through rolling. However, if the axis does not pass through the center of mass then there is also angular momentum due to the linear motion. In other situations this is the difference between orbital angular momentum and spin angular momentum. So let's calculate the "orbital" angular momentum in this problem.

The torque is $m g R \sin(\theta)$ where $R$ is the radius of the ball and $\theta$ is the angle of the incline.

The magnitude of the "orbital" angular momentum is given by $R m v$ where $v$ is the linear velocity of the center of mass, so its time derivative is $R m a$ where $a$ is the linear acceleration of the center of mass.

From Newton's laws the linear acceleration is the component of gravity which is down the slope. This is $ma=mg \sin(\theta)$ so $a=g \sin(\theta)$.

Substituting the linear acceleration into the time derivative of the orbital angular momentum gives $R m g \sin(\theta)$ which is equal to the torque. This means that the increase in angular momentum due to the torque is fully accounted for by the increase in the "orbital" angular momentum and there is no left over torque for increasing the "spin" angular momentum. Therefore, the ball does not spin/roll regardless of which axis you examine.