[Physics] What symmetries would cause conservation of acceleration


I have recently been trying to see what consequences Noether's theorem would have if our world was setup with different symmetries.

It is a quite elegant result that the invariance of the Lagrangian due to translation (translational symmetry) is the same as the conservation of momentum. Which leads me to ask under what symmetries would a different quantity be conserved; like $m \frac{d^2q}{dt^2}$, or more generally $m \frac{d^nq}{dt^n}$. Which would lead Newton's Second Law to read $F=m \frac{d^{n+1}q}{dt^{n+1}}$? Would it be something like 'the Lagrangian is invariant under a change in velocity', I am trying to run through the Math but I keep going around in circles with the definition of the Lagrangian itself.

Best Answer

Try and think of a Noether charge besides a momenta (linear, angular, Hamiltonian). It's rather hard to do in point particle mechanics because there really aren't any we talk about (it's easier in field theory to come up with things that aren't just momentum).

So, let me pose the following question, which I think will make the point I want to get at: without looking at your Lagrangian, can you tell me what the correct expression for the momentum is? If you say $mv$, that's not always correct. For example, if your point particle charged and in the presence of an electromagnetic field the standard momentum ends up being something like $m\boldsymbol v-q\boldsymbol v\cdot\boldsymbol A/c$ where $\boldsymbol A$ is the vector potential and $c$ is the speed of light.

So the point here is that the actual expression for momentum depends entirely on the Lagrangian you're looking at. In this view, the word "momentum" is nothing more than indicating the Noether charge associated to translation invariance. I could very easily come up with a different transform and then give its associated Noether charge a special name, but at the end of the day, it's nothing more than "the Noether charge associated to the given symmetry."

As a result, the statement "momentum is the Noether charge associated to translations" is of a different nature than "what symmetry would give rise to acceleration conservation." The latter question is more like "what symmetry gives rise to the conservation of $mv$." The answer is going to depend on the details of the Lagrangian you have on hand. For many standard Lagrangians, the answer to the question "what symmetry gives rise to the conservation of $mv$" will be "translations," but as I've pointed out above, if our Lagrangian is the one which gives us the Lorentz force equations, $mv$ is not conserved and even if it was, it wouldn't be the momentum because it differs from the actual Noether charge by an addition of the vector potential.

So when you ask "what symmetry would give rise to acceleration conservation," really you're asking a question that requires a specific Lagrangian in order to answer.

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