Quantum Field Theory – What Prevents Photons from Gaining Mass from Higher Order Feynman Diagrams


The Higgs boson and gluons have no electric charge and photons couple to charge, so there is no tree level interaction between them and photons. But what prevents higher order diagrams from contributing a non-zero mass term to the photon, for instance

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where a photon couples to some fermion (say an electron, or a top quark) which can interact with the Higgs field. Or consider that same diagram but with quarks and a gluon interacting between them? Or any higher diagram with even more loops?

I have heard charge conservation depends on gauge invariance, which in turn depends on photons being massless. So it appears the photon has no mass, and these diagrams must all cancel somehow. So I'm hoping there is a very nice symmetry explanation for why they all disappear, but if I say "because of gauge invariance" that would be circular logic, so there must be another symmetry at stake here?

What prevents photons from obtaining a mass from high-order self-energy loop diagrams?

Best Answer

I) At the perturbative/diagrammatic level of photon self-energy/vacuum-polarization $\Pi^{\mu\nu}$ , the photon masslessness is protected by the Ward identity, which in turn is a consequence of - you guessed it - gauge invariance. For the explanation in the setting of QED, see e.g. Ref. 1.

Fig. 1: A one-loop contribution to the photon self-energy/vacuum-polarization. More generally, the 'bubble' in the middle could be 'filled' with higher-loop contributions.

A brief oversimplified explanation is as follows: Mass is associated with a Feynman diagram in Fig. 1 and its higher-loop counterparts. The Feynman diagram is built from Lorentz-covariant tensor objects. The Ward identity states, loosely speaking, that the photon 4-vector $k^{\mu}$ is perpendicular to the Lorentz tensor structure of the middle bubble part of the diagram. In the end only the bare propagator/tree diagram without any loops/bubbles survives, thereby rendering the photon massless.

II) It should perhaps also be mentioned that in the Higgs mechanism, the fact that the Higgs field $\phi$ transforms in the fundamental representation of the electroweak gauge group $SU(2)\times U(1)~$ leaves one of the four gauge bosons without a massterm in the Lagrangian - the photon, cf. e.g. Ref. 2.


  1. M.E. Peskin & D.V. Schroeder, An Intro to QFT, Section 7.5.

  2. M.E. Peskin & D.V. Schroeder, An Intro to QFT, Section 20.2.