[Physics] What position of the center of gravity can make the front wheels of the car lift off the ground


I have a question regarding the position of center of gravity required to just lift off the front wheel of a vehicle

Consider a vehicle of mass $m$ having a center of gravity at height $h = 0.5m$ from the ground. The coefficient of friction between the tire and the ground is 1. Assume that the engine supplies just enough torque to utilize all the friction force without causing the wheels to spin.

My question is where should the center of gravity of the vehicle should be located in relation to the rear wheels to make the wheels just lift off the ground. I have solved the question as shown, and I get a 'NEGATIVE' value for L2 meaning that COG should be 0.5m behind the rear wheel, but the solution says that it should be 0.5 m infront of the rear wheels.

Can someone help me out on this!enter image description here
Since, my handwriting is not clear, I am writing the equations here too

Equilibrium in vertical direction

(1) $N_1 + N_2 = mg$

Equation of motion in horizontal direction

(2) $F_{tr} = ma$

Here $F_{tr}$ is the traction force on the rear tire which propels the vehicle. Also,

(3) $F_{tr} =\mu N_2$

The balance of the torque on the rear tire $ \to $ the net moment on the rear tire about the contact point is zero

(4) $mgl_2 + 0.5 \ ma = 0$.

Now, since the vehicle must just lift off the ground

(5) $N_1 = 0; \ N_2 = mg$.

Using the equations (2), (3), and (5),

(6) $a = \mu g$.

Now using the equation (6) in the equation (4),

(7) $l_2 = -0.5 \ \mu = -0.5$

Now, the final value of $l_2$ is negative, which means that it is opposite to the assumed direction. So the center of mass should be 0.5 m behind the rear wheels.

The only difference between my method and the solution manual which I am referring to is that they have considered inertia force(pseudo force) on the vehicle, and thus, they get the answers $l_2 = 0.5$, which means 0.5 m in-front of the rear wheels

Best Answer

We often use the sum of torques about an axis to find the case of zero rotation by finding where the sum is zero. The reason this works is that the case of no rotation must also be a case of no rotational acceleration and therefore no change in angular momentum.

$$\tau_1 + \tau_2 + .... = I \frac{\Delta L}{t} = 0 $$

But in your case the car is accelerating. The angular momentum of your system is $$ L = d \times v$$ The offset distance between the center of mass of the car and the axis is fixed ($0.5m$), but the velocity of the car is changing. That means the angular momentum is also changing and there is a net torque. You cannot solve for the case where net torque is zero.

In the frame of the car, the axis is no longer accelerating, but you have a fictitious force on the center of mass to account for.