[Physics] What physics concepts support the observation of the book and paper falling together

accelerationfree fallnewtonian-gravitynewtonian-mechanics

you place a sheet of paper on a book, it falls with it rather than being separated & slowed by air resistance. What physics concepts support the observation of the book and paper falling together?

Best Answer

If you place the book on the desk and a piece of paper on it, if there is no wind turbulence it will stay there until the cleaning lady comes.

Why? because the gravitational force keeps it there, and in addition frictional forces, i.e. electromagnetic interactions between the paper molecules and book molecules . This would be true in vacuum too. Atmospheric pressure on top of the paper and "vacuum", i.e. displacement of air between the book and paper contact surface adds to the stability.

When both fall, unless a turbulence lifts a side of the paper and air enters underneath, they will fall together. If falling from a great enough height, turbulence will separate them inevitably. Just needs some air to intervene between the two surfaces.