[Physics] What makes the Earth keep spinning

angular momentumconservation-lawsnewtonian-mechanicsrotational-kinematics

What makes the Earth keep spinning?

Best Answer

I agree with the previous answer. Angular momentum, something the earth has because of its rotation about its axis, can only be changed when an external torque (twisting motion) is applied to the earth. As far as I know, there are two ways in which this can happen. If there was friction between the earth's surface and space, then that would slow down the earth. However, this is negligible because space is essentially a vacuum. The second way is through the gravitational/tidal force applied by the moon. This force creates the tidal bulge of the earth's oceans, exerting a torque. So, while the earth seems to be spinning at a constant rate, it is actually slowing down slightly over time because of these tidal forces.