[Physics] What Keeps a Pendulum Moving In a Circular Path


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From the figure, we know that $F_{net} = mg\sin\theta$. Now, this force $\vec{F_{net}}$ is in the direction of the velocity $\vec{v}$ of the bob, both are tangent to the path. Therefore, the net acceleration $\vec{a_{net}}$ has no component perpendicular to the path, that is along the length $l$. I read that if acceleration is in the direction of velocity, then a body must be moving in a straight line, but such is not the case. Why? Also the bob is moving in a circular path and it should be experiencing centripetal force. What might be providing that force? The tension in the string is cancelled by the component of gravity parallel to the string.

Best Answer

To understand the physics here we should first consider the assumptions made, and perhaps try to justify them with some physical arguments.

Assumptions of this simple pendulum:

  • Newtonian physics apply. (ie any non-classical effects are negligible)
  • The "string", or perhaps more accurately rod, has a fixed length $l$. (That is the string remains under tension but does not stretch)
  • The string is massless. (or is negligible next to the mass of the ball)
  • The system is frictionless, leaving only gravity (taken to be constant) and tension to act on the ball.

The string keeps the ball at a fixed distance $l$ from the pivot and hence the ball moves to trace out the arc of a circle. Knowing this we use Newtons Laws to resolve the forces involved. The acceleration due to gravity is taken to be $g$ hence the force (acting down) on the ball is $F_g = mg$, where $m$ is the mass of the ball. Decomposing this gravitational force into radial and tangential components we arrive at the expressions given in the diagram: $$F_{\text{radial}} = mg\cos \theta\ \text{ and }\ F_{\text{tangent}} = mg\sin \theta.$$ The tension $T$ in the string acts only radially and since it does not stretch, has magnitude equal to the sum of the centripetal force and the radial component of the gravitational force. The force necessary to keep an object in circular motion in free space (the centripetal force) is given by $$F_c = \dfrac{m v^2}{l},$$ where $v$ is the instantaneous velocity of the ball. Thus $$T = \dfrac{m v^2}{l} + mg\cos\theta.$$ So the tension in the string varies as the ball speeds up and slows down along it's trajectory. It is strongest when $\theta=0$ (at the bottom of the pendulum) since at this point the string is in direct opposition to gravity, and it is weakest when $v=0$ (at the top of the swing) as this is when the centripetal force vanishes and the radial component of gravity is at it's lowest.

It's worth thinking about the assumptions we've made and when they fail (for example is the string really always under tension?). When is this a useful model and how could we adapt it to account for the trickier edge cases?

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