Quantum Mechanics – What Happens When the Work Function Equals hf?

electronsphotoelectric-effectphotonspotentialquantum mechanics

What happens when the photon which hits a metal surface has energy equal to the work function of that surface?
$$\phi = hf$$
I realise the emitted electron will have no kinetic energy after escape, but then what does it do? Hover above the surface? Or does it have momentum from escaping? I also don't understand what the work function is caused by – is it the electrostatic attraction between nuclei and the electrons?

Best Answer

When Electron "orbits" nucleus it's trapped in potential barrier caused by nucleus: enter image description here

Electron needs some energy $E_0$ to escape (overcome) that barrier ($E_0$ is same as work function $\phi$), When photon with frequency $f$ (Energy of that photon is $E=hf$) comes and hits electron, it gives it energy ($E=hf$), and if it's greater than $\phi$ then electron can escape the nucleus (overcome the potential barrier): enter image description here

and it will have some kinetic energy ($KE$) too. So in order to electron escape the nucleus photon which will hit it must have greater energy than $\phi$ (it's same as greater frequency than $f_0$ (where $f_0$ is minimum frequency for photon which will hit electron so it will escape the nucleus and you can calculate it using this equation $\phi = hf_0$ and $f_0=\frac{\phi}{h}$)). But when photon which will hit electron has same energy as minimum energy required for electron to escape the nucleus ($\phi = E$ or $f=f_0$) then electron will just "go up" to the top of potential barrier and then it will "go down" back to the bottom of the potential barrier: enter image description here

and it wont be able to escape the nucleus.

(sorry for my poor drawings)