Newtonian Mechanics – What Happens When the String Slackens During Vertical Circular Motion?


Consider a particle attached to one end of a string of length $l$ moving anti-clockwise in a vertical circle whose centre is $O$. What exactly happens physically when the string becomes slack and leaves circular motion?

I'm guessing that the particle falls downwards until its distance from $O$ is again $l$, whereupon it will re-enter circulation motion but now in a clockwise direction. But I think that this is either incorrect or incomplete.

Best Answer

When the string becomes slack, the centripetal force disappears. So, the particle just undergoes normal parabolic projectile motion.

To get the exact motion, using the initial velocity and angle, find the parabola of its motion. Then see when it again cuts the circle of the original motion. At this point, it will re-enter circular motion keeping the tangential component of its velocity.

Note that string becomes slack when your equations say $T\leq0$