[Physics] What happens when a black hole dies


Does it just vanish into space leaving nothing behind or does it expel some material?

Also, talking more about black holes, as far as I understand the term "temperature", it is defined by the amount of kinetic energy of the particles of a body and from what I have read, there are no particles inside a black hole, I know that you can find the temperature of a black hole by analyzing its Hawking radiation but I can't really understand how the term "temperature" can be applied to a black hole. Does it mean that whatever it is that is inside a black hole has kinetic energy? Have physicists already experienced the death of any regular black hole (by regular I mean space-sized black holes not micro ones created in labs)? Also, where is the Hawking radiation form? Because if it is released by the black hole I bet it must have formed outside the event horizon, but how exactly?

Best Answer

To describe the final stages of black hole evaporation will require a theory of quantum gravity, and no such theory exists at the moment. So your question cannot be answered: we simply don't know what happens when a black hole disappears.

I have seen a presentation (I'm afraid I don't have the link) where the final stages of evaporation were calculated using a string theory based model, and the evaporating black hole became a highly excited string. A quick Google finds various related articles such as this one, but I suspect the theory isn't well enough understood for these calculations to be more than speculation.

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