Astrophysics – What Happens if a Magnetar Collapses into a Black Hole?

astrophysicsblack-holesmagnetic fieldsneutron-stars

Assume there is a neutron star with a magnetic field and no net electrical
charge. What happens to the magnetic field if it gains some mass and
collapses into a black hole?

Best Answer

This paper by Lyutikov and McKinney describes this precise scenario. I'll provide a brief summary of their results here.

One of the crucial underlying assumptions made when deriving the no-hair theorem is that the region outside the event horizon is a vacuum. However, a rapidly spinning, magnetized neutron star can induce vacuum breakdown, leading to the existence of self-generated currents in the magnetosphere. That is, an initial spinning dipole field with no external currents evolves into a magnetized black hole supported by currents outside the event horizon. In particular, rotation-induced poloidal currents cause magnetic field lines which originate near the poles of magnetar to "open up" to infinity.

The presence of a conductive plasma in the magnetosphere freezes magnetic field lines into the surface. As the magnetar collapses, the closed field lines are absorbed into the event horizon. However, the open lines, which connect the magnetar surface to infinity, persist and end up connecting the event horizon to infinity. The resulting field relaxes to a split monopole configuration which looks something like this:

enter image description here

Over time, the equatorial current sheet dissipates and the field lines which are anchored to the event horizon are able to "slide off" and the magnetic field decays. However, this process relies on the finite resistivity of the plasma in the magnetosphere, and is slow when compared to the timescale one would naively expect from the no-hair theorem. As a result, magnetized black holes can persist for quite a while even in the absence of externally supplied accretion material.