[Physics] What happened here in this Taylor-Couette Flow experiment

fluid dynamicsviscosity

I came across this video of Taylor-Couette Flow on YouTube. Originally I was looking for a visualization of the wavy Taylor vortices induced by the angular motion of the inner cylinder.

However, I found something strange (as you can see at the end of the video), the experimenter at the beginning injects three different dyes in a viscous liquid:

enter image description here

And then he begins to stir slowly in a specific direction until the three dyes are fully diffused into the main liquid:

enter image description here

Finally, he stopped the stirring and began to stir in the opposite direction returning the three dyes to its original spots (well sort of!):

enter image description here

So, how is this reversibility even possible? shouldn't the diffusion of dyes into the liquid be irreversible?

Best Answer

This is what's happening in the video. I've drawn just a single drop, and for convenience I've ignored the curvature of the plates (it's harder to draw curves!):

enter image description here

It looks as if the (red in this example) ink drop is being mixed with the fluid, but actually it's just being stretched out into a thin sheet. When you turn the cylinder back again the sheet is pushed back into a drop.

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