[Physics] What happen when a helium balloon is floating inside a moving train

buoyancyreference framesrelative-motion

Question Illustration

Let's assume a helium balloon is suspended into the floor of a moving train. We already know how it will react during acceleration, deceleration, and constant speed as illustrated in figure no 1, 2, and 3. However, what will happen to the balloon if we detach the balloon from train floor and attach something that is exactly the same weight as it's floating force thus making it "floating" in the train cabin. Assuming that we do that after train has stopped accelerating (moving at constant speed) as illustrated in figure no.4. Will it stay where it was detached inside the cabin or will it hit the back of the cabin as the train is moving forward at a constant speed?

Best Answer

First of all, weight which attached shouldn't be equal to floating force since rope and balloon have mass too. But let's say balloon is floating for us. Assuming that you have travelled with train at least once. You know that air molecules are not just back side of the train but everywhere. You can apply the same logic for floating balloon too.

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