[Physics] What exactly does vacuum contain


Does vacuum or outer space contain any gases? Recently i watched a video on youtube,in which NASA installs a camera on a spacecraft.The footage shows some dust particles or some matter floating over the space craft's surface and as well from the thrust.What exactly is that? If there is nothing in vacuum,how come newton third law works out to make it move in turn?
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Best Answer

Vacuum in outer space may contain cosmic dust which is composed of a few molecules or atoms left by by stars or other cosmic objects. In fact there are different types of dust such as star dust or intergalactic dust. There is aroud 1 atom per cubic centimeter. Now if you are talking about empty space or vacuum in quantum mechanics, vacuum is defined as the state with the lowest possible energy. In fact vacuum is not that empty, since due to Heisenberg principle, virtual particles are created and destroyed in pairs.

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