[Physics] What does superposition mean in quantum mechanics

linear systemsquantum mechanicssuperpositionwavefunction

What does superposition mean in quantum mechanics?

When I say $A+B=C$ (forces). I can mean push something with force $A$ + force $B$ together, and that is same as I push it with force $C$.

But when I say wavefunction $A$ + $B$ is also a solution of Schrodinger equation, what do I mean? The physics between them obviously is not same. Is it just something pure mathematical?

Best Answer

  • Math:

If you have an operator $D$ with $$D(\Psi+\Phi)=D(\Psi)+D(\Phi),$$ then if $D(\Psi)=0$ and $D(\Phi)=0$, you can also conclude that $D(\Psi+\Phi)=0$. This is the case for the Schrödinger equation, as it reads

$$D(\Psi):=(i\hbar\tfrac{\partial}{\partial t}-H)\Psi=0,$$

where $H$ is linar. For example you certainly have linearity for the derivatives: $$(f(x)+g(x))'=f'(x)+g'(x)$$ and even more so for multiplicative operators: $$V(x)\cdot (f(x)+g(x))=V(x)\cdot f(x)+V(x)\cdot g(x).$$

The books point out that the superposition is possible like that to emphasise that the probability waves don't affect each other and so this enables you to find solutions of the equation.

If, in contrast, the Schrödinger equation would read

$$D(\Psi):=(i\hbar\tfrac{\partial}{\partial t}-H)\Psi^2=0,$$

which is non-linear because of the $\Psi^2=0$, then you'd have


and from $\Phi$ and $\Psi$ being a solution ($D(\Psi)=0$ and $D(\Phi)=0$) it would not follow that $\Psi+\Phi$ is a solution too (you only get $D(\Psi+\Phi)=0+0+D(\sqrt{2\cdot\Psi\cdot\Phi})\ne0$).

  • Physics:

What do you mean by "the physics between them"?

Anyway, as an illustration, if you have a function like $\Psi(x)=A\text{e}^{-(x-3)^2}$, which is a bump located around the point $x=3$, and you add it with a function $\Phi(x)=B\text{e}^{-(x-7)^2}$, which is a bump located around the point $x=7$, then you get a function $$\chi(x):=\Psi(x)+\Phi(x)=A\text{e}^{-(x-3)^2}+B\text{e}^{-(x-3)^2},$$ which has two bumps.



The wave function relate to propability densities, and if you have high probailities at the points $x=3$ for $\Phi$ and at $x=7$ for $\Phi$, then $\Psi+\Phi$ will tend to describe a situation, which has relatively high probabilities on both of these points.

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