[Physics] What does $m^*>m_e$ imply? (the effective mass of electron is larger than its rest mass)


From what I understand, the concept of effective mass is just something people come up with to make electrons and holes obey the equation of motion

\vec{F}=m^* \vec{a}

without dealing with the charge carrier and the crystal at the same time. But how could $m^*$ be compared with $m_e$? They do not seem to be related at first sight. What does $m^*>m_e$ imply? Could anyone shed some light on this? Thanks!

Best Answer

Second derivative of kinetic energy with respect to momentum equals inverse mass of a particle. In a metal, you have a band structure defined through the dispersion relation of the form E(k) where k is wave vector of electron. Second derivative of this expression can be also taken to be some sort of inertia of a particle, as you can see by analogy with a classical particle whose energy is described by the simple formula for kinetic energy. So, you can think of electron as moving in a cristal potential or as moving with effective mass as a free particle...Why is this mass larger then real mass? Well, I dont see why it has to be that way, derivative can diverge for some value of k, but also can become smaller why not? Simplest form of this inertia tensor is one for parabolic band which becomes constant..