Black Holes – What Does It Mean When People Say ‘Physics Break Down’?


So I keep hearing people talking about how physics break down at for example the center of a black hole. And maybe I am just to stupid but, why? How can we say that? For all we know a black hole could just be a very dense sphere. Kind of like a neutron star where are all the atoms sort of combine to become a single object. Just one step further.

Now I am pretty sure I don't out think everyone ever right now. Thus I most likely don't understand something that everyone else gets.

Can someone explain why we know that physics stops working?

Best Answer

"Physics breaks down" is a bad way of saying what people are trying to say. It's the sort of thing that sounds cool at first, but then it starts misleading people.

What scientists mean is "our best theory produces non-sensical or contradictory results in this situation, so we know the theory doesn't make good predictions there."

They do not mean that there can never be a theory that works, or that somehow there are no laws of physics whatsoever in the situation. It just means we don't know what the law is.

Every physicist fully expects that there are laws of physics that predict what happens at the center of a black hole. Probably something perfectly sensible happens, though it's probably something weird and unlike anything else we know.

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