[Physics] What does it mean for a unit vector to have a magnitude of 1

dimensional analysislinear algebraunitsvectors

Imagine a Cartesian coordinate system whose origin is associated with two unit vectors, ê and â, in a 2D-space. Now, let 0.5 cm be the unit of length in this coordinate system.

The magnitude of a unit vector is, by definition, 1; Does this mean that the magnitude of one of our unit vectors is 1 unit of length? Or, in other words, does this mean that $\left | â \right |$ = $\left | ê \right |$ = 0.5cm?

Best Answer

The basis vectors are dimensionless quantities with magnitude 1. You create dimensional vectors to represent positions, velocities, accelerations, forces, etc. by multiplying each basis vector by a dimensional scalar and then adding together. For example,


In other words, the components of a vector carry its dimensions. That way, the same basis vectors can be used to represent all kinds of different vectorial physical quantities.