[Physics] What does it mean for a physical quantity if its mixed second partial derivatives are not equal

differentiationelectromagnetismfluid dynamicsmathematicsvectors

This goes for every problem (either in electromagnetism or fluid dynamics) that has to do with vector fields. Say we have a fluid flowing in a closed circular pipe (or an electromagnetic field, the concept does not matter). If its mixed second partial derivatives are not equivalent,
\frac{\partial^2 \mathbf u}{\partial x\,\partial y}\neq\frac{\partial^2 \mathbf u}{\partial y\,\partial x}
where $\mathbf u$ is the flow velocity vector, then what does this mean (physical, not mathematical meaning)?

I want an INTUITIVE(physical,not plain mathematics) understanding of what changes for the fluid (or EM field) from the situation in which they where equal. Give your own example if you think that this is the ideal way of explaining the stuff you have in mind.

Note: For those who don't know, elementary mathematics tell us that those second mixed partial derivatives should be equal in most cases, so my question has to do with an exception of this rule (especially in physics where we don't see this kind of behavior everyday).

Best Answer

The places in physics where commutation of partial derivatives tends to be important are in the identities of vector calculus. The situations where these identities might seem to break down is when there is some kind of topological winding. Then the partial derivatives commute at almost all points except some small set where they are undefined but still can be given some meaning as a delta function.

For instance consider the vector potential $\mathbf{A}$ and its relation to the magnetic field $$\mathbf{B}=\nabla\times\mathbf{A},$$ $$\nabla\cdot B = (\partial_x\partial_y -\partial_y\partial_x)A_z + (\partial_y\partial_z -\partial_z\partial_y)A_x + (\partial_z\partial_x -\partial_x\partial_z)A_y.$$ If the partial derivatives commute acting on $\mathbf{A}$ then the divergence of $\mathbf{B}$ vanishes, and there is no magnetic charge density. But suppose we want a theory with magnetic monopoles ---the commutation of partial derivatives needs to break down somewhere.

So one possibility might be to take the vector potential to be the continuous function appearing in Kyle Kanos's answer $$A_x=A_y=0$$$$A_z=\frac{xy(x^2-y^2)}{x^2+y^2},$$ Here the partial derivatives commute everywhere except the origin, where you get only a finite difference (not like a delta function). So this is interesting but not physically relevant since the Lebesgue integral of the magnetic charge density over any finite volume is still zero.

Instead the magnetic monopole is described by the vector potential of a Dirac string: $$A_x = \frac{\mp y}{r(r\pm z)}$$ $$A_y = \frac{\pm x}{r(r\pm z)}$$ $$A_z = 0,$$ where the two choices of sign are just related by a gauge transformation. Unlike the previous example this vector potential is not defined at the origin. If you work it out in spherical coordinates you will find that the divergence of the magnetic field is a delta function, so this does indeed describe a non-zero magnetic charge.

The fact that we need more than one gauge equivalent function, and the fact that the functions are not defined at all points are typical of the way the commutation of partial derivatives fails in physics.

Here is another example. Given a function $f(x,y)$ of two variables $$(\nabla\times \nabla f)_z = (\partial_x\partial_y -\partial_y\partial_x) f, $$ and so by Stoke's theorem if the partial derivatives commute the line integral of a gradient vector field around a closed loop is zero.

Now take the function $\phi(x,y)$ which just returns the angle from $0$ to $2\pi$. There is a discontinuity at the positive x-axis where $0$ meets $2\pi$, but the gradient of $\phi$ can still be defined continuously here. We might consider a second function $\phi^\prime$ which instead returns the angle in the range $-\pi$ to $3\pi/4$ shifting the discontinuity to the negative y-axis. This function has the same gradient as $\phi$ and is like the additional gauge equivalent vector potential in the Dirac string example above.

If we look at how to take gradients and curls in cylindrical coordinates $$\nabla\phi = \nabla\phi^\prime = \rho^{-1}\hat{\phi},$$ where $\rho = \sqrt{x^2+y^2}$ and $\hat{\phi}$ is the unit vector in the angular direction. Taking the curl, $$\nabla\times(\nabla\phi)=-\partial_z (\rho^{-1}) \hat{\rho} + \rho^{-1}\partial_\rho (\rho\,\rho^{-1})\hat{z} = 0. $$

But even though the curl appears to be zero, clearly the line integral of either $\phi$ or $\phi^\prime$ around a closed loop containing the origin is $2\pi$, which seems to violate Stoke's theorem. However in any gauge the angle $\phi$ and its gradient are not defined at the origin, and that is where the commutivity of partial derivatives breaks down. Since we know the line integral of any closed loop around the origin is $2\pi$ this means $$(\nabla\times\nabla\phi)_z = (\partial_x\partial_y -\partial_y\partial_x) \phi = 2\pi\delta(x,y).$$

This may seem to be physically irrelevant, but in superfluids the function $\phi$ is the order parameter, and its gradient is the superfluid velocity. The superfluid is only allowed to have non-zero vorticity (curl of the velocity) in the core of a topological defect. In the limit of zero thickness, the topological defect is just like the discontinuity at the origin in the example above.

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