[Physics] What does energy stored in an electric field mean


I know this question has been asked twice before, but i didnt find any satisfying answer there.

I learnt in my class that the energy stored in the capacitor per unit volume comes out to be

$\dfrac{\mathrm{d} U}{\mathrm{d} V} = (1/2)\epsilon E^{2}$

our teacher then said this is a general statement and is true for every configuration.

But, I thought that Internal Energy came from the interaction of charged particles. So, what does "Energy stored in electric field actually signify?"

We went on to prove the self energies of spheres using this formula which came out to be the same as if we took the work done by interaction energy while assembling the sphere. then, we used this to find the capacitance of some complex arrangements.

but, I never understood the formula itself. I would love it if someone here explains how it is derived in a general case and what it signifies. I may not understand its formal derivation since i am just a high school student but would love to have some insight on the derivation at least.

Best Answer

In order to move charges of equal sign that were separated by an infinite distance to some finite distance, you need to do work.

If you arrange an electric field $\vec{E}(x,y,z)$ in space by bringing in a large number of small electric charges (positive and negative) from infinitely far away to some arrangement, this takes work. For example, for a plate capacitor, you need to do positive work to collect positive charges close together on one plate, and positive work to collect negative charges on the other plate, and then negative work to bring the plates close together. The combined positive work from combining the charges on the plates will be larger what you get back from bringing the plates near each other, unless the plates touch and the charges cancel each other.

It turns out that the net work $W$ done to arrange the charges is equal to the integrated $dU/dV$ over all space: $$ W = \frac12 \epsilon_0 \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} E^2(x, y, z)\, dx\,dy\,dz. $$ This equivalency of work (or energy) and the energy density of the electric field only exists in the above integral form. You cannot take an arbitrary cubic millimeter of space and somehow extract the field energy from it without affecting the field in the space around it as well.

As you have probably already done, you can verify that it works out for simple cases such as plate capacitors. Unfortunately, the general case requires mathematical knowledge (vector calculus) that you don't learn in high school. Once you have the vector-calculus toolbox and the description of electrostatics in vector calculus, the derivation is just a few lines. If you go and study physics in university, you'll learn this by the end of the first year.

I left out the effect of dielectrics ($\epsilon=\epsilon_0\epsilon_{\mathrm r}$). You can use the same reasoning if you start from an infinite dielectric medium, but it's a more tricky if $\epsilon_{\mathrm{r}}$ varies over space -- and unfortunately again too difficult for high-school level.

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