[Physics] What does diagonalization mean here


In a gravity theory in spacetime, the metric has signature $− + +· · ·+$. Concretely this means that the metric tensor $g_{μν}$ may be diagonalized by an orthogonal transformation, i.e. $$(O^{-1})_{μ}^{\;a} = O^a_{\;μ}$$and $$g_{μν} = O^a_{\;μ}D_{ab}O^b_{\;ν}$$ with positive eigenvalues $λ^a$ in $D_{ab} = \textrm{diag}(−λ_0, λ_1, . . . , λ_{D−1})$.

The construction above, which involved only matrix linear algebra, allows us to define an important auxiliary quantity in a theory of gravity, namely $$e^a_μ(x) ≡\sqrt{λ^a(x)}O^a_μ(x).$$ Using this tetrad we can write $g_{μν}(x) = e^a_
μ(x)η_{ab}e^b_ν (x)$ ,
In the bold above:

  • Why would this mean that the metric tensor may be diagonalize by an orthonormal transformation?

  • What is meant by diagonalization here (mathematically)?

Best Answer

Let's go step by step as it seems you're missing some fundamentals.

We know from (linear) algebra, that a symmetric bilinear form can be transformed to a diagonal matrix with elements $e$ on the main diagonal $e\in \{0,1,-1\}$. The tripel counting the amount of times each number appears is called signature. If you didn't know that, check this.

Now, a metric tensor is a symmetric bilinear form, so we know it has a transform, so that we get its signature. By the way, from Sylvester's law of inertia follows, that the transform is an orthogonal transform, if the matrix is invertible.

I hope this answers the first question. I didn't completely get what your second question was... Diagonalisation is always the same thing.

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