[Physics] What does $d$-spacing between planes in a crystal lattice mean


I have trouble understanding the meaning of $d$-spacing. $d$-spacing is supposed to give the interplanar distance. For a cubic lattice

$$d_{hk \ell}= \frac {a} { \sqrt{h^2 + k^2 + \ell ^2} } $$

What i know is 100 plane and 200 plane are parallel, when i calculate the $d$-spacing for 100 plane and 200 plane i get two different answers; as the formula itself involves $hkl$. What is $d$-spacing then? Distance between parallel set of planes?

Best Answer

It's the distance between members of families of parallel planes. These planes are the semi-reflective surfaces which are responsible for Bragg reflection, and this is the d of Bragg's law.

There are many good write-ups on the web; find the tutorial that meets your needs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-ray_crystallography#Tutorials