Electromagnetic Radiation – Appearance of Photons Explained


We have many theories that advocate the particle nature of light. But have we ever observed photons physically?

If so: what do they look like? How big are they?

If not: why not? Is it because they move at the speed of light?

Best Answer

Do we see an electron?

We see the path of an electron in a bubble chamber, the track it leaves ionizing the atoms.


Bubble chamber photograph of an electron knocked out of a hydrogen atom

At an individual photon level, we see the footprints of photons, on a sensitive surface where it scatters and leaves a dot.


Single-photon camera recording of photons from a double slit illuminated by very weak laser light. Left to right: single frame, superposition of 200, 1’000, and 500’000 frames.

Elementary particles cannot be seen in the way we see objects, only their interactions. The photon is an elementary particle.

Note: the link I had for the photons is not working correctly, there seems to be a reorganization and this particular article cannot be found. I will be checking. This paper has the original experiment. This is the correct link for the "wave particle duality for the classroom".

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