[Physics] What could explain the presence of Technetium in the spectral lines of stars


So, I understand that TC doesn't exist in nature [though, I don't know why every reference I see regarding TC says that and then goes on to state that it is found in some stars…] but, if that's the case, then why is it found in some stars? Furthermore, why is this element skipped during the regular process of nucleosynthesis? And, why do some stars magically fuse technetium while others don't? Lastly, how many technetium stars have been discovered? Thanks much.

***Just a note, I was just looking at this all again and started thinking about how Technetium is way heavier than iron, so it's not formed in regular nucleosynthesis, right? Which means the TC is left over from supernovae explosions, right? So, if that's the case, why is it not produced naturally? What is natures aversion to this element?

Best Answer

As John Rennie correctly says. Tc is formed by neutron capture in the s-process along with many other heavy chemical elements (Ba, Sr, Eu, Pb etc.). The conditions for the s-process require a neutron source. This is provided by alpha capture onto carbon 13, or sometimes neon 22 in more massive stars.

A plentiful supply of carbon 13 only exists (at the right sort of temperatures and densities, and there are other requirements too) inside asymptotic giant branch stars with helium and hydrogen burning shells. The AGB phase occurs near the end of the life (they end up producing white dwarfs) of most stars of less than about 8 solar masses.

The neutrons are captured in a chain of reactions by pre-existing iron-peak nuclei in the star to make the s-process elements. However, to be visible in the photosphere there also needs to be the right conditions to dredge up material to the surface.

The models of these events are complicated. The details depend exactly on the evolutionary stage, the overall metallicity of the star and more. This is thought to be why Tc is only seen in some AGB stars. More details as and when I find them...

Ah, but the other crucial point is the half life is short, so even when manufactured in AGB stars, it is not "passed on" to the next generation of stars - so it is not generally observed in most stellar spectra.

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