[Physics] What causes our Sun to oscillate around its mean Galactic orbit


According to this answer on Astronomy.SE,

The Sun executes oscillations around its mean orbit in the Galaxy, periodically crossing the Galactic plane. I borrowed this illustration (not to scale!) from http://www.visioninconsciousness.org/Science_B08.htm to show this oscillatory motion.
As the Sun is currently above the plane and moving upwards, and each cycle takes about 70 million years with an amplitude of 100pc (Matese et al. 1995), it will be roughly 30 million years before we cross the plane again.

Sun's motion around the Galaxy

What causes this kind of motion? Does Newtonian Physics have an explanation? If yes, what is it? If no, what General Relativity explanation have we got?

Best Answer

It's good old Newtonian gravity! The plane of the galaxy can be approximated as a disk made up of stars and gas, with a density $\rho(|z|)$, that decreases with absolute distance $|z|$ from the plane.

If you were to assume that the Sun was close enough to $z=0$ and that the radial variation in $\rho$ was negligible enough to treat the disk as an infinite plane (this is not bad, the amplitude of the Sun's motion is only about 10% of the radial scale length of the disk density), then you could construct a little cylinder through the plane, with one face at $z=0$, where $g=0$, and use Gauss's law for gravity to estimate the gravitational acceleration at height $z$. $$ g(z) \simeq -4\pi G \int_0^{z} \rho(z)\ dz$$

Now $\rho(z)$ approximates to an exponentially decaying function with a scale height of maybe 200-300 pc. If we are closer to $z=0$ than that, then the density can be roughly said to be a constant $\rho_0$. Putting this into the equation above, we see that $$g(z) =-4\pi G\rho_0 z.$$ But this is simple harmonic motion with an angular frequency $\sqrt{4\pi G\rho_0}$.

The density of the disk near the Sun is estimated to be 0.076 solar mass per cubic parsec (Creze et al. 1998). Using this value, we get an approximate predicted oscillation period up and down through the disk plane of 95 million years.

Note added: The previous paragraph is the reverse of what is actually done - the dynamics of stars in the solar vicinity are used to estimate the density in the plane. However, just counting up stars and estimating the contribution of gas does give a similar result - and in the process, illustrates that the contribution of dark matter to the density of the disk is very small.

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