[Physics] What causes like electric charges to repel and opposite electric charges to attract at the smallest level


When talking about charged particles, the law of charge dictates that two particles with opposite charge will attract each other and two particles with the same charge will repel each other.

However, I have never seen why this works. So, on a fundamental level why does the law of charge work? What causes like electric charges to repel and opposite electric charges to attract at the smallest level?

Best Answer

So, on a fundamental level why does the law of charge work? What causes like to repel like and opposites to attract at the smallest level

You are really asking why like repels like and opposites attract at the smallest level.

Physics does not answer ultimate "why" questions, because it is a discipline which describes with mathematical models what is observed in nature. The models differ from maps because they not only fit existing data/measurements but are also predictive of new results of experiments and observations. Then the model can be used to answer why questions by how from one state another state can be predicted or described. The ultimate why is contained into the laws and postulates of the theoretical model, which are a distillation of observations/measurements or necessary to identify the mathematical functions with physical measurements .

In electromagnetism it was observations of how matter could be charged and of how charges interacted that developed into the law of Coulomb. This means that the existence of opposite charges assigned to particles is a given of nature, a law.

Coulomb's law, or Coulomb's inverse-square law, is a law of physics that describes force interacting between static electrically charged particles.


The force of interaction between the charges is attractive if the charges have opposite signs (i.e., F is negative) and repulsive if like-signed (i.e., F is positive).

This was the classical macroscopic observation that is implicit in the laws and postulates of electromagnetism, i.e. the physics axioms that pick out from the infinity of mathematical solutions of the differential equations of the mathematical model those that describe nature and can predict new observations.

Once the microcosm started being explored classical mechanics and classical electrodynamics became inadequate to describe and predict behaviors. Quantum mechanics and special relativity were necessary to describe mathematically and predict results.

The laws of the classical regime are also laws of the quantum mechanical regime or can be seen to emerge from them. This is necessary because there should be a smooth continuity in the predictions of the solutions of the models in phase spaces where both views could be used to calculate and predict charged particle behaviors.

So the answer to your question of of "What causes like to repel like and opposites to attract at the smallest level" , i.e is because that is what measurements and observations say. The "how" is given by the corresponding mathematical theory of quantum electrodynamics

QED mathematically describes all phenomena involving electrically charged particles interacting by means of exchange of photons and represents the quantum counterpart of classical electromagnetism giving a complete account of matter and light interaction.

Thus the "how" can be described mathematically, given the axiom that charges exist and like repels like and opposites attract.