Quantum Mechanics – Causes of Continuity in Black-Body Radiation Curve

discretequantum mechanicsthermal-radiation

The ideal black-body radiation curve (unlike the quantized emission seen from atomic spectra), is continuous over all frequencies. Many objects approximate ideal blackbodies and have radiation curves very similar in shape and continuity to that of an ideal black-body (often minus some emission and absorption lines from the atoms in an object, such as radiation curves seen from stars). I am wondering what exactly gives rise to a basically continuous black-body radiation curve in real objects? Since atomic energy states are quantized, it seems real life black-body curves would have some degree of measurable quantization to them (or perhaps the degree of quantization is so small the radiation curves look continuous).

Best Answer

perhaps the degree of quantization is so small the radiation curves look continuous

Yes, this is the reason. The correspondence principle says that quantum mechanics has to become classical in the appropriate limit. One way to obtain an appropriate limit is with large numbers of particles. As you increase the number of particles in a material many-body system, you get more and more ways of putting together combinations of states for your material object. The density of states of the object grows very quickly (roughly exponentially) with the number of particles. Therefore the number of possible transitions between states also grows very rapidly.

The number of particles in a tungsten lightbulb filament is something like Avogadro's number. The exponential of Avogadro's number is really, really big.

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