[Physics] What are the first, second etc modes of vibration


What is the first, second etc mode? I cannot find online explanations. Is it the shape of vibration? Does a thing have more than one natural frequencies (first, second, etc) and it vibrates with different modes in these frequencies, named 1st, 2nd etc modes? thanks!

Best Answer

Modes of vibration are particularly, though by no means exclusively, associated with musical instruments. It is the shape of vibration, and most musical instrument have more one mode of vibration, of they would be fairly limited in their musical range. Compare the sounds of a violin (with 4 to 7 strings) with a musical triangle, which only emits one note.

enter image description here

The first 3 modes of vibration of a guitar string.

For a more extreme example of the various vibration modes possible, here are some computer generated modes from a drumhead.

Images and Extracts from Modes of Vibration

Drumhead Vibrations

When you pluck a stretched string, you always hear a sound with a definite musical pitch. By altering the length, tension or weight of the string, all familiar to musicians, you can alter this pitch. Strings and stretched drumheads are all suitable for producing a variety of vibrations, so they make musical instruments with a wide range of sounds possible. If instead you used a brick, or a frying pan, there is very little scope for musicical variety, as their vibration modes are limited.

The simplest mathematical description of the vibration of a stretched string reveals a pattern in the set of resonance frequencies. Once the lowest (or fundamental) frequency has been fixed by choosing the weight, tension and length of the string, then all the other frequencies are whole-number multiples: if the first is f, then the second is 2f, the third 3f and the nth is nf . The frequencies are called the natural frequencies or overtones, and this simple numerical pattern relating them is called a harmonic series: so a stretched string has natural frequencies which are harmonic.

Here is another example, but not musical, of modes of vibration

Galloping Gertie Movie Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse "Gallopin' Gertie" - YouTube

Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse

The failure of the bridge occurred when a never-before-seen twisting mode occurred, from winds at a mild 40 miles per hour (64 km/h). This is a so-called torsional vibration mode (which is different from the transversal or longitudinal vibration mode), whereby when the left side of the roadway went down, the right side would rise, and vice versa, with the center line of the road remaining still. Specifically, it was the "second" torsional mode, in which the midpoint of the bridge remained motionless while the two halves of the bridge twisted in opposite directions. Two men proved this point by walking along the center line, unaffected by the flapping of the roadway rising and falling to each side. This vibration was caused by aeroelastic fluttering.

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