[Physics] What are some ways to justify the Einstein field equations


Since they are a postulate of general relativity, it is not really possible to "derive" the Einstein field equations $$R_{ab} + \left(\Lambda – \frac{1}{2}R\right)g_{ab} = -8\pi T_{ab}$$

in any very meaningful way. It is, however, possible to come up with derivation-like constructions that yield some insight. What are some of these?

Best Answer

First, we notice that the paths traced by particles through spacetime under the influence of a gravitational field seem to depend only on their positions and velocities, i.e. they are independent of any identifiable charge or composition of the particles. It is almost as if the particles were moving along tracks carved into some curved surface.

Although even Galileo noticed this, we happen to be passingly familiar with differential geometry to the point where we can actually make something of it. We realize that, if this observation really held, it would be possible to describe the curvature mathematically by assigning to spacetime a nonzero Riemann curvature tensor $R^a_{bcd}$. This object describes the rotation of a vector when dragged along a closed loop through the spacetime.

What should we couple $R^a_{bcd}$ to? Well, gravity is obviously sourced by mass somehow, but we know because we invented special relativity that mass and energy are intimately connected. We also know we can uniquely describe the energies and pressures of classical matter fields in a nicely coordinate-independent way by their stress-energy tensor $T_{ab}$. So, making the leap that perhaps pressure can source gravity as well, we write down

$$R^a_{bcd} = -\kappa T_{ab}.$$

Unfortunately this equation makes no sense because the RHS and LHS have a different number of indices. No matter - we can just contract some of the indices on the left hand side. This gives us the Ricci tensor $$R_{ab} \equiv R^j_{ajb}$$ so we write $$R_{ab} = -\kappa T_{ab}.$$

This equation predicts the perihelion precession of Mercury, so we are very happy. Unfortunately it has a rather serious flaw: $T_{ab}$ had better have identically zero divergence if energy is at least locally conserved - i.e. if energy does not simply appear out of nowhere in small regions of spacetime. But $R_{ab}$ unfortunately can have nonzero divergence.

Again, no problem - we can simply subtract the divergence: $$R_{ab} - \frac{1}{2}g_{ab}R = -\kappa T_{ab}$$ where $$R\equiv R^a_a$$ is the so-called Ricci scalar. Actually this is a bit restrictive: the divergence is determined only up to an arbitrary constant $\Lambda$. Thus: $$R_{ab} + \left(\Lambda - \frac{1}{2}R\right)g_{ab} = -\kappa T_{ab}.$$

What about the free parameter $\kappa$? This we can't fix with the theory, so it will have to be measured, and then set to enforce agreement with experiment. In particular, in the limit where the curvature is very weak, we should be able to reproduce Newtonian gravity. It turns out to do this we have to set $\kappa = 8\pi$, so that we end up with

$$R_{ab} + \left(\Lambda - \frac{1}{2}R\right)g_{ab} = -8\pi T_{ab}.$$

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